We were thrilled to receive a Facebook Message from Barefoot Trimmer, Holly Heidemann, based in Cedar Creek, Texas. She “memorialized” her retiring Hoofjack in an amazing poem. Here’s what she wrote to us:
“I just bought my third hoofjack. I am amazed how long each of my stands have lasted. I am a professional barefoot trimmer and my stands have seen a lot of work. Thanks for making such a great product! I thought you’d get a chuckle out of a poem I wrote as I retired my second trim stand today.”
RIP, Greenie The Second.
Ode to a trim stand
You’ve saved my back
And been sent sailing,
By flying hooves,
Horses flailing.
You’ve been kicked routinely,
In my place,
Better you,
Than my face.
Your footrest torn,
Your magnets broken,
From years of horses
Not so soft spoken.
48,000 hooves,
Or more, you’ve seen.
You’ve served your time
To this barefoot Queen.
I’ve duct taped and vet wrapped
And padded you up,
But today is the day,
Enough is enough.
I’ll epoxy your crack.
Your last trip you did take.
Retired, just back up
Should your replacement break.